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  • Зависание финалки в порту карты c7m3_port_finale

    *!* Beginning custom finale stage 6 of type 2
    *!* PendingWaitAdvance false, QueuedDelayAdvances 1


    // This script handles the logic for the Port / Bridge
    // finale in the River Campaign. 
    Msg("Initiating c7m3_port_finale script\n");
    ERROR		<- -1
    PANIC 		<- 0
    TANK 		<- 1
    DELAY 		<- 2
    // This keeps track of the number of times the generator button has been pressed. 
    // Init to 1, since one button press has been used to start the finale and run 
    // this script. 
    ButtonPressCount <- 1
    // This stores the stage number that we last
    // played the "Press the Button!" VO
    LastVOButtonStageNumber <- 0
    // We use this to keep from running a bunch of queued advances really quickly. 
    // Init to true because we are starting a finale from a button press in the pre-finale script 
    // see GeneratorButtonPressed in c7m3_port.nut
    PendingWaitAdvance <- true	
    // We use three generator button presses to push through
    // 8 stages. We have to queue up state advances
    // depending on the state of the finale when buttons are pressed
    QueuedDelayAdvances <- 0
    // Tracking current finale states
    CurrentFinaleStageNumber <- ERROR
    CurrentFinaleStageType <- ERROR
    // The finale is 3 phases. 
    // We randomize the event types in the first two
    local RandomFinaleStage1 = 0
    local RandomFinaleStage2 = 0
    local RandomFinaleStage4 = 0
    local RandomFinaleStage5 = 0
    if ( RandomInt( 1, 100 ) < 50 )
    	RandomFinaleStage1 = PANIC
    	RandomFinaleStage2 = TANK
    	RandomFinaleStage1 = TANK
    	RandomFinaleStage2 = PANIC
    if ( RandomInt( 1, 100 ) < 50 )
    	RandomFinaleStage4 = PANIC
    	RandomFinaleStage5 = TANK
    	RandomFinaleStage4 = TANK
    	RandomFinaleStage5 = PANIC
    // We want to give the survivors a little of extra time to 
    // get on their feet before the escape, since you have to fight through 
    // the sacrifice.
    PreEscapeDelay <- 0
    if ( Director.GetGameMode() == "coop" )
    	PreEscapeDelay <- 5
    else if ( Director.GetGameMode() == "versus" )
    	PreEscapeDelay <- 15
    DirectorOptions <-
    	A_CustomFinale_StageCount = 8
    	// PHASE 1
    	A_CustomFinale1 = RandomFinaleStage1
    	A_CustomFinaleValue1 = 1
    	A_CustomFinale2 = RandomFinaleStage2
    	A_CustomFinaleValue2 = 1
    	A_CustomFinale3 = DELAY
    	A_CustomFinaleValue3 = 9999
    	// PHASE 2
    	A_CustomFinale4 = RandomFinaleStage4
    	A_CustomFinaleValue4 = 1
    	A_CustomFinale5 = RandomFinaleStage5
    	A_CustomFinaleValue5 = 1	
    	A_CustomFinale6 = DELAY
    	A_CustomFinaleValue6 = 9999 	 
    	// PHASE 3
    	A_CustomFinale7 = TANK
    	A_CustomFinaleValue7 = 1	 	 		 
    	A_CustomFinale8 = DELAY
    	A_CustomFinaleValue8 = PreEscapeDelay
    	TankLimit = 4
    	WitchLimit = 0
    	CommonLimit = 20	
    	HordeEscapeCommonLimit = 15	
    	EscapeSpawnTanks = false
    	//SpecialRespawnInterval = 80
    function OnBeginCustomFinaleStage( num, type )
    	printl( "*!* Beginning custom finale stage " + num + " of type " + type );
    	printl( "*!* PendingWaitAdvance " + PendingWaitAdvance + ", QueuedDelayAdvances " + QueuedDelayAdvances );
    	// Store off the state... 
    	CurrentFinaleStageNumber = num
    	CurrentFinaleStageType = type
    	// Acknowledge the state advance
    	PendingWaitAdvance = false
    function GeneratorButtonPressed()
        printl( "*!* GeneratorButtonPressed finale stage " + CurrentFinaleStageNumber + " of type " +CurrentFinaleStageType );
    	printl( "*!* PendingWaitAdvance " + PendingWaitAdvance + ", QueuedDelayAdvances " + QueuedDelayAdvances );
    	local ImmediateAdvances = 0
    	if ( CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 1 || CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 4 )
    		// First stage of a phase, so next stage is an "action" stage too.
    		// Advance to next action stage, and then queue an advance to the 
    		// next delay.
    		ImmediateAdvances = 1
    	else if ( CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 2 || CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 5 )
    		// Second stage of a phase, so next stage is a "delay" stage.
    		// We need to immediately advance past the delay and into an action state. 
    		//QueuedDelayAdvances++	// NOPE!
    		ImmediateAdvances = 2
    	else if ( CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 3 || CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 6 )
    		// Wait states... (very long delay)
    		// Advance immediately into an action state
    		ImmediateAdvances = 1
    	else if ( CurrentFinaleStageNumber == -1 || 
                  CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 0 )
    		// the finale is *just* about to start... 
    		// we can get this if all the buttons are hit at once at the beginning
    		// Just queue a wait advance
    		ImmediateAdvances = 0
    		printl( "*!* Unhandled generator button press! " );
    	if ( ImmediateAdvances > 0 )
    		EntFire( "generator_start_model", "Enable" )
    		if ( ImmediateAdvances == 1 )
    			printl( "*!* GeneratorButtonPressed Advancing State ONCE");
    			EntFire( "generator_start_model", "AdvanceFinaleState" )
    		else if ( ImmediateAdvances == 2 )
    			printl( "*!* GeneratorButtonPressed Advancing State TWICE");
    			EntFire( "generator_start_model", "AdvanceFinaleState" )
    			EntFire( "generator_start_model", "AdvanceFinaleState" )
    		EntFire( "generator_start_model", "Disable" )
    		PendingWaitAdvance = true
    function Update()
    	// Should we advance the finale state?
    	// 1. If we're in a DELAY state
    	// 2. And we have queued advances.... 
    	// 3. And we haven't just tried to advance the advance the state.... 
    	if ( CurrentFinaleStageType == DELAY && QueuedDelayAdvances > 0 && !PendingWaitAdvance )
    		// If things are calm (relatively), jump to the next state
    		if ( !Director.IsTankInPlay() && !Director.IsAnySurvivorInCombat() )
    			if ( Director.GetPendingMobCount() < 1 && Director.GetCommonInfectedCount() < 5 )
    				printl( "*!* Update Advancing State finale stage " + CurrentFinaleStageNumber + " of type " +CurrentFinaleStageType );
    				printl( "*!* PendingWaitAdvance " + PendingWaitAdvance + ", QueuedDelayAdvances " + QueuedDelayAdvances );
    				EntFire( "generator_start_model", "Enable" )
    				EntFire( "generator_start_model", "AdvanceFinaleState" )
    				EntFire( "generator_start_model", "Disable" )
    				PendingWaitAdvance = true
    	// Should we fire the director event to play the "Press the button!" Nag VO?	
    	// If we're on an infinite delay stage...
    	if ( CurrentFinaleStageType == DELAY && CurrentFinaleStageNumber > 1 && CurrentFinaleStageNumber < 7 )	
    		// 1. We haven't nagged for this stage yet
    		// 2. There are button presses remaining
    		if ( CurrentFinaleStageNumber != LastVOButtonStageNumber && ButtonPressCount < 3 )
    			// We're not about to process a wait advance..
    			if ( QueuedDelayAdvances == 0 && !PendingWaitAdvance )
    				// If things are pretty calm, run the event
    				if ( Director.GetPendingMobCount() < 1 && Director.GetCommonInfectedCount() < 1 )
    					if ( !Director.IsTankInPlay() && !Director.IsAnySurvivorInCombat() )
    						printl( "*!* Update firing event 1 (VO Prompt)" )
    						LastVOButtonStageNumber = CurrentFinaleStageNumber
    function EnableEscapeTanks()
    	printl( "*!* EnableEscapeTanks finale stage " + CurrentFinaleStageNumber + " of type " +CurrentFinaleStageType );
    	//Msg( "\n*****\nMapScript.DirectorOptions:\n" );
    	//foreach( key, value in MapScript.DirectorOptions )
    	//	Msg( "    " + key + " = " + value + "\n" );
    	MapScript.DirectorOptions.EscapeSpawnTanks <- true


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    стадия 6 да?, 


        A_CustomFinale3 = DELAY
        A_CustomFinaleValue3 = 9999


        A_CustomFinale6 = DELAY
        A_CustomFinaleValue6 = 9999


    почему 9999 секунд?, ради тестов сделаем 60.



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