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Весь контент joshua98

  1. i dont think so @Azazel he wants a new fight,he knows he will lose, but I'm not going to get more,
  2. @Electr0 here is a forum for report abuses in server, but not personnel issues, let alone get involved in areas which do not include it when creating the post of course, so just ask you to delete the subject, and to stop putting personal issues with the game.
  3. nickname in the game : joshua giovanny old : STEAM_0:0:757453987 new : STEAM_0:0:143258465
  4. joshua98

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    better, a jumper tank with more health, for more excitement
  5. joshua98

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    there are certain tanks which advantage, such as lava or the fire tank, leaving not give excitement to the game, I played com several friends, and with those tank can not play, but by the weapon system (the tier1 are good have more capacity but with just 1 Tier2 can choose) everything else is fine, add the points system by killing infected or incapacitate survivors?
  6. joshua98

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    at last the dream that we expect versus alliance, but problems for non-steam bone that let alone organize Latinos to Marsus
  7. I agree that cost more expensive, and not only that the kits I have seen in mega players hack and put 34 kits, that causes quite lag, and not to mention the m60 is no longer if survival or just a game where presumably how much you can duplicate
  8. it could remove the boxes molotov?It is no longer fun to play if there are people who fail to use them and not let others play.
  9. the map looks good, but if you want to build something to avoid being massacred by bomb zombies, you lower the horsepower to be outside the hangars
  10. when you start the voting map starts the timer to change. when it comes to 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 not send you to the map. 2nd Rapala saw him yesterday
  11. but you are not. ami I do not like racism. I've seen a player go over the limit. if they are Mexican or simple joke Russians do. but I think the same should not it? right now I vote for a Russian guy just because he did not understand what he was saying. I just hope you do the same as I've tried and I could not get it out. postscript (not know how to put picture)
  12. I have a problem with some items that are easy to duplicate without paying for them 2 or more times. thing I did not like. I've seen players make 80 kits and 15 machine guns . and I think that 's not fair. They do not pay more than 1 time per object.
  13. У меня есть проблема , и если я должен сказать по поводу некоторых пунктов д легко скопировать без уплаты денег . Например мини пушки . торговый и может bugear легко и будет иметь 2 или более . это с большинством элементов. и мне интересно, если это может быть организовано. не потому, что мне нравится играть . Вопрос , кажется, больше не выживание .
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