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Весь контент Electr0

  1. Electr0

    How do you know your STEAM_ID

    How do you know your STEAM_ID Method 1: Enter any game on the engine source, go to any server, open the gaming console (button ~) and send the command status, among the list of the players find themselves, and copy from a string something like this: STEAM_1: 0: xxxxxxxxx, this is your game STEAM_ID.Method 2: We learn a link to the profile, it is enough to go to a page in STEAM and clicking the right mouse button to select "Copy the URL of the page."Go to website steamid.io and paste in there link to your profile in STEAM, in the field steamID you get your STEAM_ID.To STEAM_ID obtained on the site was suitable, you have to change STEAM_0 STEAM_1
  2. This console variables that need to be put in the above values in the console games for comfortable playing on our servers. For our servers: cl_resend "1.5" cl_interp_ratio "-1" cl_updaterate "60" cl_cmdrate "50" cl_interp "0.067" rate "100000"For 100 Tick: cl_resend "1.5" cl_interp_ratio "-1" cl_updaterate "100" cl_cmdrate "100" cl_interp "0.100" rate "100000"This will help avoid choke and loss, you need to put them in a console game.
  3. Electr0

    About this section

    In this section, you can consult about problems with the game
  4. Electr0

    Template ticket for data recovery

    In order for your ticket has been considered, it must be submitted on this form is strictly: 1. ATTENTION! When you create a complaint in this section in the topic title that briefly lost! The order information: Nickname (better at the time of disappearance)STEAM_IDOLD STEAM_ID (if you decide to move to another account)What is missingName Server (IP: PORT)Map, and slot number (if lost slot Fort System)Time noticed the disappearance of dataSmall description of events on the server, after which the missing data (the map changes, a server crash, and etc)
  5. Electr0

    °• Alliance

    Alliance server is built on the principle: to be with the players, to do everything for the players to respect each other. Our goal - to unite under a single "Flag" best, decent, original game servers Left 4 Dead. Servers Left 4 Dead 2: mg.ally.pro:27100 °• Mega Survival (survival) sc.ally.pro:27090 °• Super Coop (co-op) alt.ally.pro:27020 °• Coop Alternative (co-op) Our sites: SourceBans HLstatsX Steam group
  6. Electr0

    Bugs °• Super Coop

    Here we inform about current problems and errors on the server °• Super Coop Your comments are edited and are marked on the system: [FIXED] - fixed[UNFIXED - note] - not fixed, explaining why.The order information: Briefly describe the errorWhen there was amapThe conditions under which appearsHow to repeatYour recommendations on eliminationlack of order - removal of the post without explanation, as in the universities designed properly in the trash, guys grow up.
  7. Electr0

    Bugs °• Coop Alternative

    Here we inform about current problems and errors on the server °• Coop Alternative Your comments are edited and are marked on the system: [FIXED] - fixed[UNFIXED - note] - not fixed, explaining why.The order information: Briefly describe the errorWhen there was amapThe conditions under which appearsHow to repeatYour recommendations on eliminationlack of order - removal of the post without explanation, as in the universities designed properly in the trash, guys grow up.
  8. Electr0

    Bugs °• Mega Survival

    Here we inform about current problems and errors on the server ° • Mega Survival Your comments are edited and are marked on the system: [FIXED] - fixed[UNFIXED - note] - not fixed, explaining why.The order information: Briefly describe the errorWhen there was amapThe conditions under which appearsHow to repeatYour recommendations on eliminationlack of order - removal of the post without explanation, as in the universities designed properly in the trash, guys grow up.
  9. In this topic, write your ideas and suggestions for the server °• Coop Alternative ATTENTION: Any spamming and "delusions" are deleted without explanation.
  10. In this topic, write your ideas and suggestions for the server °• Super Coop ATTENTION: Any spamming and "delusions" are deleted without explanation.
  11. In this topic, write your ideas and suggestions for the server ° • Mega Survival ATTENTION: Any spamming and "delusions" are deleted without explanation.
  12. Electr0

    °• Coop Alternative

    °• Coop Alternative ● About server An alternative version of the cooperative server using PerkMOD and Tankbuster. ● Custom Content Subscribe to this collection, or download the full version to the game client HERE ● Tagline The fields have eyes, the trees have ears… and we have guns. ● Basic Commands ● Technical Administrator Mag
  13. Electr0

    °• Super Coop

    °• Super Coop ● About server This cooperative, with explosive action, custom campaigns, and many others, and yes we have these fucking boxes falling from the dead because I hate them!) s because I hate them!) ● Custom Content Subscribe to this collection, or download the full version to the game client HERE ● Read more Game Mode: Cooperative Maximum number of players: 12 The dynamic balance of the number of infected on the map Custom models (with input automatically downloaded to your game client) Custom hats (at the entrance automatically downloaded to your game client) Custom melee weapon (wrench board with a nail, Sledgehammer) Unlock all weapons (CSS, near all weapons available on all maps) System StopTK by Jonny Zombie / tanks have their mutation Vip System Its system of user votes Shop with a limited number of purchases per round !b Support short commands on the type of store, fox example: !b laser, (learn all the short commands !bhelp) ● Basic Commands ● Additional commands store !b1 - здоровье, аптека, воскрешение и др. !b2 - оружие, канистры, фейерверк и др. !b3 - патроны, лазерный прицел, зажигательные и др. !b4 - выбрать персонаж, шляпу, купить парашют. !b5 - телепорт к игроку, паника. !bhelp - узнать все короткие команды. ● Instantly purchase an item at the store ● Technical Administrator Electr0
  14. Electr0

    °• Mega Survival

    °• Mega Survival ● About server As you have seen, here in this building, and gets the respect of someone who builds a cool refuge, not a column of cubes, your shelter can be saved by you in our database and loaded later. It is necessary to build not just a mausoleum, but also a place to protect against the attacks of zombies, otherwise you will be bored, or you devour Warp Tank! ● Custom Content Subscribe to this collection, or download the full version of the game client HERE ● Read more Game mode: Survival Maximum number of players: 12 Unique build plugin Fort System: !f The ability to save / load their buildings slots 5 slots to save items for each map! The ability to undo and repeat actions on objects! Menu creation of objects stored current position, after clicking you stay on the same page menu All that you create through the menu to create objects !f, can be saved. It is forbidden to remove the foreign objects. Shop with a limited number of purchases per round !b Support short commands on the type of store, fox example: !b laser, (learn all the short commands !bhelp) The dynamic balance of the number of infected on the map Vip System Its system of user votes Custom models (with input automatically downloaded to your game client) Custom hats (at the entrance automatically downloaded to your game client) Custom melee weapon (wrench board with a nail, Sledgehammer) Unlock all weapons (CSS, near all weapons available on all maps) System StopTK by Jonny Zombie / tanks have their mutation Panic button start is disabled by default unlocked voting, so you can extend the pause button start by voting antitrolling. ● Tagline Creativity + Construction = °• Mega Survival ● Basic Commands ● Commands Fort System ● Additional commands Fort System !f1 - Управление !f2 - Часто используемое !f3 - Заборы | Стены | Баррикады !f4 - Транспортные средства !f5 - Двери | Окна | Лестницы !f6 - Декорации !fs_help - справка стройки с описанием всех доступных вам команд. ● Additional commands store !b1 - здоровье, аптека, воскрешение и др. !b2 - оружие, канистры, фейерверк и др. !b3 - патроны, лазерный прицел, зажигательные и др. !b4 - выбрать персонаж, шляпу, купить парашют. !b5 - телепорт к игроку, паника. ● Instantly purchase an item at the store ● Technical Administrator Electr0
  15. Electr0

    °• Coop Alternative

    °• Coop Alternative ● О сервере Альтернативная версия кооперативного сервера, с использованием PerkMOD и Tankbuster. ● Слоган У полей есть глаза, у деревьев есть уши… а у нас есть оружие. ● Базовые команды ● Технический администратор Electr0
  16. Здесь сообщаем о текущих проблемах и ошибках на сервере °• Coop Alternative Ваши комментарии редактируются и помечаются по системе: [ИСПРАВЛЕНО] - исправлено[НЕ ИСПРАВЛЕНО - примечание] - не исправлено с объяснением почему.Порядок информирования: Кратко опишите ошибкуКогда появилсяКартаУсловия при которых появляетсяКак повторитьВаши рекомендации по устранениюотсутствие порядка - удаление поста без объяснений, как в вузах неправильно оформил в мусорку, взрослеем ребята.
  17. В этой теме пишите свои идеи и предложения для сервера °• Coop Alternative, мы обязательно их просмотрим.
  18. Форум находится в процессе обновления, не пугаемся)

    1. Показать предыдущие комментарии  Ещё #
    2. Electr0


      • суд реструктуризирован и тоже добавлен в англоязычную ветку.
      • некоторые особо нужные статьи FAQ переведены.
      • англоязычный форум на всех языках имеет одинаковые названия - английские (чтоб не путали)
    3. Electr0


      • добавлены некоторые иконки
      • исправлено отображение города в профиле пользователя
    4. Electr0


      исправлена проблема со смайлами

  19. ну либо как я предоложил две штуки либо никак.
  20. добавил ASC сортировку урона танку вместо DESC (по убыванию), добавил указание общего зафиксированного урона танку. по жокею да знаю, позже добавлю edit2: добавил скит жокея и взятие на приклад
  21. убрал с сервера tickrate enabler, тики теперь стандартные но разблокировал значения рейтов, тоесть сервер сможет даже при стандартных тиках передавать клиентам у кого рейты расширены все команды без потери пакетов. Рейты расширялись лись с той задачей что без этого он не мог отправить все данные о происходящем когда в небе летают люди на джетпаках, летают ракеты от вертолета. нагрузка на сервер должна немного уменьшится, на супер коопе поставил прозапас мало ли там по сети тоже упирается при сложной логике кастомных карт это нельзя исключать.
  22. JULINOZA Music – Я под водой

  23. Рассматривай это как замена само лечению, я могу добавить самоподнятие при падении с обрыва, два раза за раунд, плюс твое предложение когда ближнее оружие будет торчать в трупике зараженного но при этом я должен буду убрать самоподнятие приипокупке полного лечения ибо ну блин оно бесит меня ( если устраивает можно пробовать спрашивать других игроков надо ли это им, ибо в прошлый раз это вызвало резонанс.
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