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Весь контент Eternity

  1. Here, there are conversation when talk about Electro : https://hlstats.ally.pro/hlstats.php?mode=chat&game=l4d2&server_id=0&filter=electro 2017-01-17 05:42:13 2017-01-05 06:08:07 2017-01-05 06:05:42 2017-01-05 06:02:33 2017-01-05 05:46:41 and here is the translation: https://translate.google.com/?hl=es#es/en/TheBlackPolar™%3A nada que era el papa de electro xd TheBlackPolar™%3A quien es el tal electro y que le quito a ese pendejo TheBlackPolar™%3A dile al electro que te la pela y que te de lo que te quito (>Anton<)%3A oe noeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cre que electro me a subido de rank y no se por que (>Anton<)%3A electro me va a regalar puntos.
  2. Hi. They don´t only say bad words, they insult other players and kick them out of the server without reason.
  3. Hi. Nickname in the game : Liseth Old: STEAM_0:0:1295665380 New: STEAM_0:1:176518575
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