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Показан контент с высокой репутацией 12.01.2019 во всех областях
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Jamin Winans – Design of Chaos1 балл
Names can be changed. You can call it Draciel on Steam and non-Steam. Or it can be Draciel on non-Steam and Rat on Steam. What matters is the Steam ID here. Do not be so troll.1 балл
Hello to all Administrators and users in general The reason for this theme ; complain Is to publicize the illegal game that I witnessed in some users They do this to get to the top positions These illegal users change to the mutation "Special Delivery", change of difficulty to "Expert" , Then they lock themselves in the shelters and score points in this way. It seems to me somewhat unfair that these users want to reach the top positions in this way I attach images of precise moment where the illegal game begins and images of the messages Step by step of the images : Image 1 : Entered the server and user "Draciel" already wants to expel me. Image 2 , Image 3 : User "Eliza" opens the door. Image 4 : User "Eliza" starts the campaign, enters the shelter and closes the door. Image 5 , Image 6 , Image 7 : User "Draciel" kills me. Image 8 to the Image 21: The users "Draciel" and "Eliza" begin to kill the infected special with the door closed. Is this worth a punishment? or do this is legal? Translation , Image 22 : This image is watching that the administrator "Electr0" do not see them doing the illegal game This image I enter the server. Draciel : !votemode (Change the campaign mutation) Eliza : a while , to watch Draciel : !afk Draciel : !rank Eliza : Now comes ele ("ele" Is equal to adm. "Electr0") Eliza : jajaja (Laughs) Draciel : !vk darkness : !frags Is this worth a punishment? or do this is legal?1 балл
If you need to chat with me, come to the topic: "Abusive attitude of a vip player". Join and have fun.1 балл
Draciel, My dear postman: You do not look at the Steam ID? Are you so blind? Another thing: point 2: look that you put two images from two different games !! It's ridiculous of her. Also, who proves this? That before you were: XJDX, stelocoquetemira, un-deicide, and, now, Draciel. Four identities, the same prince of the farm "Rat" can also mean: informant.1 балл
It's amazing what happens on the servers during the sunrise . Is it really an anarchy? Players who come in to annoy others, and insult, humiliate, Is it commonplace in these servers? Is there no one to control this? They deserve exemplary punishment (ban, for example). I'm impressed by the video. I have never seen so much of a bastard from one player to another, that he just plays and does not respond. As for the photos of the player accused, no player attacks another, if not attacked first. The accused player is overstepped and someone should control the server when she is playing.1 балл
For what I read in the forum talk That the user "☯ ° | \ | á✞al ¥ ° ☯" They applied a more drastic penalty and the sanction must be applied to all without exception1 балл
It is clear that user "Eliza" makes illegal games and also insults administrators This happened on the day "2017-01-18" hour "03:54" I attach image of the messages and the translation. Translation of the messages in the image : Eliza: Electr0 is becoming very mamon . ( " mamon " : you are a believed , He behaves like a child ) Is an insult in Mexican language and Eliza is from Mexico Mono Loco: ajajaj ( The user " Mono Loco " laughs at eliza's message, makes fun of you ) Mono Loco: maintenance can be Eliza: Or he's selfish and he does not want us to make money. ( It says here that you " Electr0 " are an egoist. ) Eliza: Electro encourages us to earn points , Here, closed (Admits that they are taking points, they are locked in the shelter) Is it legal to make points like that? Is it possible for a user to express himself that way from an administrator?1 балл
I agree with the punishment. It's ok to farm, if you're alone and not bothering anyone, but when someone joins and wants to play the game the way it should be played and you just decide to kill them so they don't bother you from cheesing the rank, that's just being a scumbag.1 балл